Bazi Birth Chart Analysis - Unity Feng Shui
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Bazi Birth Chart Analysis

Know yourself.

know your possibilities.

Bazi, or Eight Pillars, is an ancient branch of Chinese metaphysics. It uses the time and location of a person’s birth to chart the energy patterns that were present when the person was born, and  which serve as a template for the person’s temperaments, thinking patterns and likely choices.

A Bazi chart gives you a map of yourself, your inner drives, and how you tend to react to the world – impacting your relationship, your education, your career, your wealth potential, and your health and wellbeing choices.

A full drawn Bazi chart includes an assessment of energy configurations from your birth date to 80 years of age –  a spiritual “weather forecast” to help you plan your life ahead.

your bazi chart is your personal journey planner

At Unity Fengshui, your Bazi is manually calculated, the classical way — with pen, paper and the Ten Thousands Years Calendar (Wan Nian Li).

This manual method ensures that subtle but important information about yourself is identified and assessed. Examples are when your birth falls at the cusp of a month or a year, or when there if there is a hidden energy combination that will become prominent theme in the next ten years of your life.

A Bazi chart is a lifetime investment that gives you a map to yourself, your past and your present – and equips you to make better decisions for your future.

Click here to to book a Bazi birth chart analysis:

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Or contact us if you have any question on Bazi birth chart analysis